Speak About Killing My Brother Again and Ill Slit Your Throat

This is it. The end. There volition be no more Game of Thrones, but series creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss had a lot to do in "The Iron Throne," not the least of which was direct the serial finale, too.

The concluding episode poses many questions, provides many answers, and ties a pretty little bow on those who survive. So, for the terminal time, allow's walk through this Game of Thrones episode scene-past-scene, connecting dots to the past and ending the evidence together.

Episode 6 "The Iron Throne" watchthrough

Tyrion Lannister, Hand of the Queen, walks toward King's Landing, aghast at the devastation that the woman he served and believed in caused. He crosses the threshold through a hole in the outer wall that Daenerys Targaryen blasted with dragon fire and enters a wasteland.

Until a few hours ago, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms was a city of earth-toned stone buildings capped with roofs of nighttime reddish clay. Now it'south a graveyard, a sprawling crater of rubble the desaturated gray of ash, pocked with the occasional orange flickers of notwithstanding-burning dragon fire.

A dazed homo wearing only a loincloth and covered in blood-red blood shuffles out of the city, past the Hand. Tyrion notices that most of his back has been scraped or burned abroad. Ser Davos Seaworth the Onion Knight and Jon Snow follow several yards backside, taking their ain silent looks.

Death is everywhere. On every street, downwardly every alleyway, underneath every roof, in that location is rubble and ashen corpses.

In the middle of one of the countless decimated streets, Tyrion finds the charred remains of the little girl and her mother from the terminal episode. She still holds her horse toy in her hand, though it'due south turned black with soot. It is an unambiguous reminder that Daenerys Targaryen declared everyone in Rex's Landing her enemy, killing soldiers and civilians akin in her conquest.

The three men and a small contingent of soldiers behind them stop their procession.

"I'll find you lot subsequently," Tyrion says.

"It's not safe," Jon says. "Let me send some men with yous."

"I'thousand going lonely," the Mitt says and walks away. Jon doesn't fence.

Tyrion Lannister continues his walk of shame, passing the corner where Arya Stark survived the flames that killed the adult female and her daughter. A gigantic cracked bell that rang to signal King's Landing's give up — and that Daenerys Targaryen ignored — sits on the street.

He looks upwardly into the far altitude, and sees what's left of the Red Keep, the castle from which is sis ruled the Seven Kingdoms (and into which he just sent his brother to save her).

Davos, Jon, Grey Worm, and the soldiers

Game of Thrones S08E06 Davos, Jon, Grey Worm, and the soldiers HBO

Jon, Davos, and a small-scale contingent of soldiers go along walking through the streets, when they stumble upon Greyness Worm and a dozen or so Unsullied. Half a dozen soldiers who defended Rex's Landing for Queen Cersei kneel defenseless on the street. They are prisoners of war.

"In the name of the 1 truthful queen, Daenerys Targaryen, I judgement you to die," Grey Worm says.

"Grey Worm!" Jon says, interrupting the execution. "It'due south over. These men are prisoners."

"It is not over until the queen's enemies are defeated," Grey Worm says.

"How much more defeated practise you want them to be?" Davos asks, dripping with incredulity. "They're on their knees."

"They are breathing," Grey Worm says.

"Await around y'all, friend," Davos says. "We won."

"I obey my queen'south commands, not yours."

"And what are the queen'due south commands?" Jon asks.

"'Kill all who follow Cersei Lannister.' These are complimentary men. They chose to fight for her."

Greyness Worm pulls a dagger from his coat, and turns to carry out his sentence. Jon grabs his arm, and as soon as he does, the silent Unsullied set their spears. So practise the soldiers who arrived with Davos and Jon.

Davos eases the men and plays diplomat.

"Jon," he says. "We should speak with the queen."

Jon looks down at the prisoners and assesses the situation. No matter what he does, someone loses. If he challenges Grey Worm further, the allies will fight on the street. If he does nothing, the prisoners of war will die.

He releases Greyness Worm's arm. The Unsullied retract their spears and stand up at attention. The leader of the Unsullied carries out his self-proclaimed death penalty, cut the soldiers' throats i by ane.

Davos, Jon, and their soldiers walk away.

Tyrion, Cersei, and Jaime

Tyrion is in the Red Keep now, walking through the rubble that fills the cracked floor map room. He approaches the table where the Minor Quango of the rex or queen's closest advisors assembles — where he idea he'd sit as the Mitt of Queen Daenerys Targaryen. Behind him, snow is falling through the newly open-aired map room.

Game of Thrones S08E06 Jaime and Cersei HBO

He finds a torch on the footing, picks it upward, and ignites it. He walks downwardly the winding staircase, retracing the steps that his twin brother and sister took in the previous episode. He discovers more rubble in the basement.

And in the rubble, he discovers first his brother's metal hand so, after removing bricks, the bodies of his dead siblings, Jaime and Cersei Lannister, lying in repose as they surely did in bed throughout their lives.

Tyrion, who was not able to salve them, and is now the last Lannister, weeps.

The Mad Queen addresses her troops

Game of Thrones S08E06 Dany dragon wings HBO

Jon walks through hundreds of Dothraki and Unsullied troops and up a long staircase toward Daenerys. Her only remaining dragon child, Drogon, flies overhead and the troops erupt in a cheer.

Arya watches from a distance.

At the top of the staircase, Greyness Worm awaits his queen. On his right, draped over the ruins, is an enormous black banner, with the sigil of Business firm Targaryen emblazoned in red — an unambiguous symbol of Daenerys' fiery conquest of Male monarch's Landing.

Daenerys Targaryen walks out. Backside her, Drogon roars and spreads his wings. They might also be hers.

The Dothraki cheer. She begins her speech communication in Valyrian.

"Blood of my claret," Daenerys Targaryen says and the troops repose down. "You kept all your promises to me. You killed my enemies in their iron suits. You tore down their stone houses. You gave me the Seven Kingdoms!"

But and then, Drogon lands on a nearby ruined wall and roars. The Dothraki cheer, raising their curved blades into the air.

"Torgo Nudho," she says, addressing Grey Worm. "You accept walked beside me since the Plaza of Pride. Yous are the bravest of men, the nearly loyal of soldiers. I name you lot commander of all my forces, the Queen'southward Master of State of war."

The Unsullied pound their spears three times into the ground, a more subdued cheer than their Dothraki allies, but very Unsullied. The do it once again, and Grey Worm smiles and nods at his queen.

"Unsullied," Daenerys Targaryen says as Tyrion approaches the queen from behind. "All of you were torn from your mothers' artillery and raised every bit slaves. Now you are liberators! You have freed the people of King's Landing from the grip of a tyrant!"

The Unsullied pound their spears iii times.

"But the war is not over. We will not lay down our spears until nosotros have liberated all the people of the world!"

The Unsullied pound their spears three times.

"From Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade Ocean!"

The Unsullied pound their spears in triplets over again and again. Jon and Tyrion listen, realizing what's happening. The massacre at King'south Landing was non an aberration. It was the Daenerys Targaryen's commencement step in her conquest of the world.

"Women, men, and children accept suffered likewise long beneath the wheel. Will you break the wheel with me?"

They pound their spears, no longer in triplicate but in a long stream of agreement. The Dothraki cheer. It is the drumbeat of future state of war.

Tyrion approaches the queen who catches him out of the corner of her eye.

"You freed your brother," Daenerys Targaryen says, not looking at him. "Y'all committed treason."

"I freed my brother," Tyrion says. "And you slaughtered a city."

She turns to face him. He removes his Hand of the Queen broach and throws it down the staircase, where it lands at the foot of an Unsullied soldier.

The pounding stops. She looks at her former Mitt with contempt, swallows hard, and says "take him" in Valyrian. Ii nearby Unsullied soldiers escort him abroad. He passes Jon with a knowing expect. And then Jon catches Daenerys Targaryen's eye. They say nothing. She walks away.

And then, somehow, Arya is standing next to Jon.

Game of Thrones S08E06 Arya and Jon HBO

"What are you doing here?" Jon asks. She doesn't answer. He takes his fiddling sister by the shoulder. "Hey, what happened?"

"I came to kill Cersei," she says. "Your queen got there beginning."

"She's everyone's queen at present."

"Endeavor telling Sansa."

The North will never kneel, and Sansa'due south said as much before.

"Wait for me outside the urban center gates," Jon says. "I'll come observe yous."

Jon starts to walk away, only Arya grabs him by the arm.

"Jon," she says. "She knows who y'all are. Who you really are. Yous'll ever exist a threat to her. And I know a killer when I run across one."

Jon and Tyrion

Jon leaves his weapons with the Unsullied soldiers guarding the room where Tyrion is imprisoned. He walks in and finds the sometime Paw of the Queen sitting downward confronting a crate the far end of the room, resigned to his fate.

"Did you bring any wine?" Tyrion asks. (Priorities.)

"No," Jon says.

"Ah. Well thank you for coming to see me. Our queen doesn't keep prisoners for long. I suppose there'south a crude kind of justice. I betrayed my closest friend and watched him burn down. Now Varys'southward ashes can tell my ashes, 'Meet? I told you.'

"Information technology just occurred to me. I'g talking to the only homo alive who knows where I'thousand going. So is at that place life later death?"

"Non that I've seen."

Game of Thrones S08E06 Jon and Tyrion HBO

"I should exist thankful. Oblivion is the best I could promise for. I strangled my lover. I shot my own father with a crossbow. I betrayed my queen."

"You didn't."

"I did. And I'd do it again, now that I've seen what I've seen. I chose my fate. The people of Male monarch's Landing did not."

"I can't justify what happened," Jon says. "I won't try. Just the war is over now."

"Is it? When you heard her talking to her soldiers, did she sound like someone who's washed fighting?" Tyrion stands up and approaches Jon. "She liberated the people of Slaver's Bay. She liberated the people of King's Landing. And she'll go on liberating until the people of the world are free and she rules them all."

"And y'all've been by her side, counseling her. Until today."

"Until today. Varys was right. I was wrong. It was vanity to retrieve I could guide her. Our queen'southward nature is burn down and blood."

This hits Jon where information technology counts. Those are Business firm Targaryen'southward words. Tyrion is endorsing the get-go part of the nature versus nurture argument. What would that mean for Jon, who's both Stark and Targaryen — and in his reconing, a living argument for nurture over nature, thanks to the belatedly Ned Stark.

"You call back our house words are stamped on our bodies when we're born and that's who we are?" Jon asks. "Then I'd exist fire and claret, as well. She's not her father, no more than y'all're Tywin Lannister."

"My father was an evil human. My sister was an evil woman. Pile up all the bodies of all the people they ever killed — there still won't be half every bit many as our beautiful queen slaughtered in a unmarried mean solar day."

"Cersei left her no choice."

"The moment the gates barbarous, the battle was over."

"She saw her friend beheaded. She saw her dragon shot out of the sky."

"And she burned down a metropolis for information technology."

"Ah, it's easy to judge when y'all're standing far from the battlefield."

"Would y'all have done it?"


"You've been upwardly in that location, on a dragon's back. You lot've had that power. Would you have burned the city down?"

Jon pauses for a moment to consider information technology. "I don't know," he says.

"Yeah, y'all practice. Y'all won't say because you lot don't want to betray her, but you lot know."

"What'south it affair what I'd exercise?"

"It matters more than anything. When she murdered the slavers of Astapor, I'm sure no one but the slavers complained. After all, they were evil men. When she crucified hundreds of Meereenese nobles, who could argue? They were evil men. The Dothraki khals she burned alive? They would accept done worse to her. Everywhere she goes, evil men die and we cheer her for it. And she grows more powerful and more sure that she is good and right.

"She believes her destiny is to build a better globe for everyone. If y'all believed that — if you truly believed information technology — wouldn't you kill whoever stood betwixt y'all and paradise?"

This is the argument confronting Daenerys Targaryen stripped to its essentials. She sees herself equally the engine for destiny, and she'll burn down the forces she deems evil or unworthy on her path to create a better globe, equally she defines information technology. That used to exist OK. Ugly, certain. Messy, aye. But the onetime Daenerys Targaryen burned evil men, and we understood. The new Daenerys Targaryen burns all men, women, and children without remorse. There'southward no coming back from that.

Jon sits down and buries his head in his hands for a moment, shielding himself from the truth of Tyrion'southward question. He exhales in frustration.

"I know you love her," Tyrion says. "I love her, too. Not as … successfully as you lot. But I believed in her with all my eye. Dearest is more powerful than reason. We all know that. Look at my blood brother."

"'Love is the death of duty'," Jon says.

"You only came up with that?" Tyrion asks, surprised.

"Maester Aemon said it a long time agone."

Tyrion pauses, purses his lips, and chews on the wisdom.

"Sometimes duty is the expiry of love. You lot are the shield that guards the realms of men," Tyrion says, echoing the vows of the Night'due south Lookout man (and also pretty perfectly describing Jon Snow). "And you've always tried to do the right thing. No matter the cost, you've tried to protect people. Who is the greatest threat to the people now?"

Sadness drips from Tyrion every bit we inches closer to the inevitable question that doesn't want to ask. Jon knows there's no easy answer and stares at the flooring.

"It's a terrible thing I'1000 request," Tyrion says. "It's also the right thing. Do you call up I'thousand the concluding man she'll execute? Who is more dangerous than the rightful heir to the Iron Throne?"

"That's her decision," Jon says, standing up, defending his queen. "She is the queen. I'm sorry it came to this."

He puts his hand on Tyrion'south shoulder for a moment in a touching gesture of sorrow. He knocks on the door to leave the room.

"And your sisters?" Tyrion asks. "Do you meet them angle the knee?"

"My sisters will be loyal to the throne."

"Why do you think Sansa told me the truth about you? Considering she doesn't want Dany to exist queen. "

"She doesn't get to choose."

"No. But yous do. And you lot take to cull now."

Jon thinks nearly it and leaves.

Daenerys Targaryen and Jon in the throne room

His sword returned, Jon walks through the ruined halls of King'due south Landing. Outside, information technology is snowing. He passes a pile of rubble that moves, revealing itself to exist Daenerys' dragon. Drogon sniffs Jon and lies back down.

Every bit Jon makes his way to the throne room, Daenerys enters it for the commencement fourth dimension.

Snowfall falls through the missing ceiling in the castle she destroyed. She looks around a room where she's never been, sees the empty Fe Throne, and walks toward it. She approaches the Fe Throne, walks a few steps up to it, and holds out her hand to impact one of the sword hilts that forms an arm.

She touches it and smiles, feeling the weight of all she'southward done to arrive at this moment. It'south hers. It's finally hers.

She turns round to sit down when she sees Jon enter from the far side of the throne room. Daenerys Targaryen smiles.

"When I was a girl," she says, "my brother told me it was fabricated with a m swords from Aegon's fallen enemies. What practise a thousand swords look similar in the mind of a trivial girl who can't count to 20? I imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb. And so many fallen enemies, you could simply see the soles of Aegon's feet."

Not one for pocket-sized talk, Jon changes the subject to the horrors he's seen.

"I saw them executing Lannister prisoners in the street," he says." They said they were acting on your orders."

"Information technology was necessary."

"Necessary? Take you lot been down there? Accept you seen? Children — niggling children — burned!"

"I tried to make peace with Cersei," Daenerys Targaryen says, cool as lemonade. "She used their innocence as a weapon against me. She idea it would cripple me."

"And Tyrion?"

"He conspired backside my dorsum with my enemies. How have you treated people who've done the same to you lot, fifty-fifty when it broke your eye?"

She's not wrong. Jon has executed people.

"Forgive him," Jon says.

"I can't."

"You can. You tin forgive all of them, make them see they made a error. Make them empathise. Please, Dany."

"Nosotros tin't hide behind minor mercies. The earth nosotros demand won't be built by men loyal to the world we accept."

"The world nosotros need is a globe of mercy. It has to be."

"And it will be," she says and approaches Jon wearing a smile. "It's non easy to meet something that's never been earlier. A skilful globe."

"How practise you lot know?" Jon asks. "How do y'all know information technology'll exist good?"

"Because I know what is good. And so do you."

"I don't."

"You do. You do. Yous've ever known."

"What about everyone else? All the other people who think they know what's good."

"They don't go to choose," she says, sealing her fate.

Daenerys Targaryen has become the self-appointed arbiter of what is expert and proper in the world. A queen with unlimited power, with a living weapon of mass destruction, with salivating armies at her command, utterly convinced that what springs from her mind is decent and de facto adept, perfectly willing and able to repeat the firestorm of Rex's Landing across Westeros, just as she told her assembled troops before.

"Be with me," she says. "Build the new globe with me. This is our reason. It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's proper noun, and I was a petty girl who couldn't count to 20. We practise it together. Nosotros break the wheel together."

"You are my queen," he says. "Now, and always."

She kisses him. He kisses her back. He pulls back his arm. Jon stabs Daenerys Targaryen in the eye with a dagger.

Game of Thrones S08E06 Jon kills Dany HBO

The surprise on Daenerys Targaryen's face is matched only by the horror on Jon Snowfall's face. She falls back, but he catches her. A pocket-size stream of blood trickles out of the correct side of her mouth. She breathes heavily, dying. Some other trickle of blood appears, this time from her right nostril. Daenerys Targaryen dies, and Jon weeps for the love he'southward lost and the life he's taken.

Honey is the expiry of duty, and sometimes duty is the death of honey.

RIP Daenerys Stormborn of Business firm Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Female parent of Dragons, Khaleesi of the Dandy Grass Sea, the Unburnt, Breaker of Chains, Mad Queen, who wanted to break the wheel but, in the only moment that actually mattered, firebombed King's Landing instead, and used that as a template to programme her conquest of the world. She died as a queen who never got to sit down on her throne.

In the altitude, Drogon screeches. He knows something is wrong. He flies into the room every bit Jon places Daenerys Targaryen's head on the ground. Jon backs away from the WMD.

Game of Thrones S08E06 Iron Throne HBO

Drogon nudges his mother and realizes that she'due south gone. In a fit of fire and fury, he burns the Iron Throne, thus ending the question of who would sit on it, in one case and for all. It melts to slag that runs down the steps that Daenerys Targaryen just climbed. The Fe Throne was fabricated and unmade with dragon fire.

Peradventure because Jon'southward a Targaryen, perchance because he knows that his mother loved him, perchance because he doesn't know who killed her, perhaps for all of these reasons and more, Drogon lets Jon live.

He cradles his mother in his claw. With Jon'south dagger nevertheless protruding from her chest, Drogon flies off into the distance, disappearing into the grayness wintertime storm clouds.

The quango

Game of Thrones S08E06 council HBO

A few weeks later on Daenerys Targaryen's death at the blade of Jon Snow, representatives of the Houses of the 7 Kingdoms of Westeros are gathered outside of King's Landing. Grey Worm joins them, with his shackled prisoner, Tyrion Lannister.

"Where'due south Jon?" Sansa Stark asks.

"He is our prisoner," Grey Worm says.

"So is Lord Tyrion," Sansa says. "They were both to be brought to this gathering."

"We volition decide what nosotros do with our prisoners," Grey Worm says. "This is our urban center now."

"If you lot look outside the walls of your city, yous'll detect thousands of Northmen who volition explain to yous why harming Jon Snow is non in your interest," Sansa says.

"And yous will discover thousands of Unsullied who believe that it is."

"Some of y'all may be quick to forgive," Yara Greyjoy says. "The Ironborn are not. I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen."

"Yous swore to follow a tyrant," Sansa says.

"She freed u.s. from a tyrant," Yara says. "Cersei is gone because of her, and Jon Snowfall put a knife in her heart. Let the Unsullied requite him what he deserves."

"Say some other word near killing my blood brother," Arya Stark says, "and I'll cut your pharynx."

"Friends, please," Ser Davos Seaworth, aka Onion Knight, the consummate diplomat says and stands up. "We've been cutting each other'due south throats long enough."

In a sign of respect, he addresses Grey Worm using his real name.

Game of Thrones S08E06 Davos at the council HBO

"Torgo Nudho. Am I saying that properly?" Gray Worm doesn't respond. "If it weren't for yous and your men, we would've lost the war with the expressionless. This country owes you a debt it can never repay, but let us attempt. There is state in the Accomplish. Good land. The people that used to live in that location are gone. Get in your own. Start your own firm with the Unsullied as your bannermen. We've had plenty war. Thousands of you, thousands of them. You know how it ends. Nosotros need to detect a better way."

"We do not need payment," Grey Worm says. "We need justice. Jon Snow cannot get complimentary."

"It's not for y'all to determine," Tyrion says

"You lot are non here to speak!" Grey Worm screams. "Everyone has heard enough words from y'all."

"You're right," Tyrion says admitting his guilt and his failures. "And no one's any better for information technology. But it's not for you to decide. Jon committed his crime hither. His fate is for our rex to decide. Or our queen."

"We don't take a king or queen," i of the assembled says.

"You're the well-nigh powerful people in Westeros," Tyrion says. "Choose one."

"Make your choice, then," Greyness Worm says to the nobles assembled.

Nobody says anything for a moment, and so Edmure Tully, Lord of Riverrun, blood brother of the tardily Catelyn Stark, stands up, takes a few steps forward, and begins to speak.

"My lords and ladies," he says and clears his throat, "I suppose this is the almost important moment of our lives. What we decide today volition reverberate through the annals of history. I stand before you equally ane of the senior lords in the country. A veteran of two wars. And I like to think my experience has led to some small skill in statecraft and underst—"

Game of Thrones S08E06 Sansa patronizing HBO

"Uncle?" Sansa says. "Please sit."

He pauses, and she gives him the world'due south near patronizing await. Put right back in his place, he sits down, but not before banging his sword on his chair and looking like an fifty-fifty bigger idiot. Sam shakes his head in embarrassment.

"Well, nosotros have to choose someone," one of the assembled says.

"Um, ahem," Samwell Tarly says as he invents democracy. "Why merely usa? Um, we represent all the swell houses, but whomever we choose, they won't just rule over lords and ladies. Maybe the conclusion nearly what's best for everyone should be left to, well, anybody."

After a moment of silence, the assembled nobles outburst out in laughter.

"Peradventure we should give the dogs a vote as well," Edmure Tully says.

"I'll inquire my equus caballus," one of the assembled says.

Game of Thrones S08E06 Sam invents democracy HBO

Sam nods and sits dorsum down.

"I suppose you want the crown," one of the assembled asks Tyrion.

"Me? The Imp? One-half the people hate me for serving Daenerys, the other half hate me for betraying her. Can't think of a worse selection."

"Who, then?" Ser Davos asks Tyrion. Even though Tyrion only admitted that he'south failed, everyone still wants his council.

"I've had nothing to practise just remember these past few weeks. About our bloody history, most the mistakes we've made," he says and steps forwards.

"What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags? Stories. There's zippo in the world more than powerful than a good story. Nothing tin can stop it. No enemy tin can defeat information technology. And who has a better story than Bran the Broken? The male child who fell from a loftier belfry and lived. He knew he'd never walk again, and so he learned to fly. He crossed beyond the Wall, a crippled boy,and became the Three-Eyed Raven. He is our memory, the keeper of all our stories. The wars, weddings, births, massacres, famines. Our triumphs, our defeats, our past. Who better to lead us into the futurity?"

"Bran has no interest in ruling, and he tin't father children," Sansa says.

"Good. Sons of kings tin be roughshod and stupid, as you well know. His will never torment us. That is the wheel our queen wanted to pause. From now on, rulers volition not be born. They will be chosen on this spot by the lords and ladies of Westeros to serve the realm. I know you don't want it. I know you don't care about ability. But I ask you now, if we choose you volition you wear the crown? Will yous lead the Seven Kingdoms to the best of your abilities from this day until your final day?"

"Why practise you think I came all this way?" Bran asks with a light dusting of actual, homo emotion.

"To Brandon of House Stark I say aye," Tyrion says.

Almost everyone agrees.

"I love you, picayune blood brother," Sansa says. "I e'er will. You'll be a good male monarch. Only tens of thousands of Northmen fell in the Groovy War defending all of Westeros. And those who survived have seen also much and fought too hard always to kneel again. The North will remain an independent kingdom, every bit it was for thousands of years."

Bran nods in agreement.

Tyrion salutes the new male monarch.

"All hail Bran the Broken, Start of His Name, Male monarch of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

The assembled echo Tyrion, who bows and turns to leave, but King Bran interrupts him.

"Lord Tyrion y'all will be my Hand," he says.

Game of Thrones S08E06 King Bran HBO

"North— No, Your Grace, I don't want it."

"And I don't want to be king."

"I don't deserve it. I thought I was wise, simply I wasn't. I thought I knew what was right, but I didn't. Choose Ser Davos. Choose anyone else."

"I choose you lot."

"You lot cannot," Greyness Worm says.

"Yes I can. I'm king."

"This man is a criminal," Grayness Worm says. "He deserves justice."

"He just got it," the new king says. "He'due south made many terrible mistakes. He'due south going to spend the rest of his life fixing them."

"It is not enough," Grey Worm says. Tyrion bows his caput in defeat.

Jon and Tyrion in prison house

The Mitt of the Rex visits the Queenslayer in prison, where he explains Jon's fate.

"Giving you to the Unsullied would start a war." Tyrion says. "Letting you walk free would start a war. So our new king has chosen to ship you to the Nighttime's Lookout man."

"There's still a Nighttime's Watch?" Jon asks. It's a reasonable question. There is no more Nighttime King. There are no more White Walkers. What's the signal of a Night'due south Scout?

Game of Thrones S08E06 Tyrion Jon prison HBO via Polygon

"The world will ever need a home for bastards and broken men. You shall take no wife, hold no lands, begetter no children. The Unsullied wanted your caput of form, but Grey Worm has accustomed the justice of a life sentence. Sansa and Arya wanted you freed, but they empathise our new king needs to make peace. No ane is very happy. Which means it's a good compromise, I suppose."

"Was it right? What I did?"

"What we did."

"It doesn't experience right."

"Ask me once again in 10 years," Tyrion says, having no idea.

Consider, for a moment, the difference in reactions between Jon and Tyrion on the ane side and Daenerys Targaryen on the other. To her, there was no room for doubt. She massacred thousands, probably tens of thousands, maybe millions, and she dismissed their deaths every bit then many eggs to crevice in her omelette. Jon and Tyrion (and before them poor Varys) conspired to kill i person, and it'due south killing them.

"I don't expect we'll ever see each other again," Jon says as Tyrion walks away.

"I wouldn't be so certain. A few years as Hand of the King would make anyone want to piss off the edge of the world," Tyrion says, recalling what he did in season i when he was a very different man.

The Stark children say goodbye

Game of Thrones S08E06 The Stark children say goodbye HBO

At the port outside of Rex's Landing, the Unsullied board ships that volition accept them to their new home. Dothraki walk the piers outside. Jon and Grey Worm share an uncomfortable expect, and the leader of the Unsullied gives the order to set up sheet to the Isle of Naath, where Missandei was from, where she wanted to return to and see the beaches when the war was over.

On the shores of King'due south Landing, the three surviving children of Eddard Stark and Catelyn Tully gather to say their goodbyes. Jon'south dressed recalling his season 1 Night'south Sentry attire.

"I wish at that place had been another way," Sansa says to Jon. "Can you forgive me?"

"The N is free, thanks to you," he says.

"Only they lost their king," she says.

"Ned Stark's daughter will speak for them. She'south the best they could enquire for."

They cover.

Jon turns to Arya next.

"Yous can come run across me, you know, at Castle Black," he tells his sister.

"I can't," she says, and Jon misunderstands.

"You lot think anyone volition dare tell you women aren't immune?"

"I'm not going dorsum north."

"Where are y'all going?" Sansa asks.

"What'due south west of Westeros?" Arya asks.

"I don't know," Jon says with a smile and a shrug.

"No one knows. It'due south where all the maps end. That's where I'k going." She's excited and deplorable at once.

"You have your Needle?" Jon asks, referring to the sword he gave her early in season 1.

"Right here," she says and tearily pats her weapon. They embrace.

Jon turns his attending to his youngest blood brother, Bran

"Your Grace," Jon says, kneeling to the king. "I'g sorry I wasn't there when you lot needed me."

"You were exactly where yous were supposed to be," Bran says and damn near cracks a smile.

Jon stands, looks at his siblings, and walks way to his gunkhole. Bran, Arya, and Sansa lookout him get out.

Brienne and the story of Jaime Lannister

Game of Thrones S08E06 Brienne book HBO

Ser Brienne of Tarth flips the pages in a volume that tells the life stories of the important people of Westeros. She stops on a page titled Ser Jaime Lannister, the human she loved and who loved her back, if only for a night.

Squired for Barristan Selmy against the Kingswood Outlaws. Knighted and named to the Kingsguard in his sixteenth year for valour in the field: At the Sack of Male monarch'due south Landing, murdered his King, Aerys the 2d at the human foot of the Iron Throne: Pardoned by King Robert Baratheon:

Thereafter Known every bit the Kingslayer:

After the murder of King Joffrey I by Tyrion Lannister served under Rex Tommen I:

And that'southward where Jaime'south story ends. For now.

With tears in her optics, Brienne picks upwardly a quill, dips information technology in ink, and begins writing.

Captured in the field at the Whispering Wood:

Set Free by Lady Catelyn Stark in return for an oath to find [obscured] and her ii daughters:

Lost his [hand] …

She flips the page and continues.

Took Riverrun from the Tully rebels, without loss of life.

Lured the Unsullied into attacking Casterly Rock, sacrificing his babyhood home in service to a greater strategy.

Outwitted the Targaryen forces to seize Highgarden. Fought at the Battle of the Goldroad bravely, narrowly escaping death by dragonfire. Pledged himself to the forces of men and rode north to Join them at Winterfell, alone.

Faced the Ground forces of the Dead, and defended the castle against impossible odds until the defeat of the Night King. Escaped imprisonment and rode south in an endeavour to save the upper-case letter from destruction.

Brienne pauses and looks up, thinking. She writes the last line.

Died protecting his Queen.

With tears in her eyes, Ser Brienne of Tarth closes the book, literally and figuratively, on Ser Jaime Lannister.

Tyrion and the Modest Council

Game of Thrones S08E06 Tyrion at the table HBO

Tyrion Lannister, newly appointed Mitt of the King, arrives lone at the table where the Small Council will soon meet.

He sits at the caput of the tabular array, in a chair reserved for those who hold his title. Information technology was off-screen the death of Lord Jon Arryn, Hand to Male monarch Robert Baratheon, that served as Game of Thrones' inciting incident. The rex rode northward to enlist his old friend Ned Stark every bit Mitt. Just Ned didn't last long. Tyrion's male parent Tyrion Lannister served as the paw under Joffrey I Baratheon. After Tyrion killed his father, the imp's uncle, Kevan Lannister, became Paw. Most recently, Qyburn served as Hand of the Queen under Cersei I Lannister.

There'south a lot of history within that chair.

Tyrion sits uncomfortably for a moment and looks around. He stands up and straightens the half-dozen other cockeyed chairs around the tabular array. His job is to bring social club to the realm, later on all.

Only subsequently he finishes, he hears the Pocket-sized Council enter the room. Tyrion sits down and tries to look of import.

The men yank the chairs with no regard to Tyrion's straightening, only he lets it slide.

Sam, dressed in grey maester's wear, places a large book on the table, and Tyrion opens it.

"What'southward this?" Tyrion asks.

Game of Thrones S08E06 A Song of Ice and Fire HBO

"A Song of Ice and Burn down," Sam says with a smile. That would be the title of George R. R. Martin'due south novel serial. "Archmaester Ebrose's history of the wars post-obit the death of King Robert. I helped him with the title."

"I suppose I come in for some heavy criticism," Tyrion says.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that," Sam says with even more awkwardness than usual.

"Oh, he'due south kind to me. Never would've guessed."

"He's not kind?"


"He what? What does he say almost me?"

"I don't believe you're mentioned, ahem."

Tyrion does a poor task of masking his frustration, and Male monarch Bran enters the room. The Pocket-size Quango stands up and addresses him awkwardly. The king notes that they're missing a Master of Whisperers (RIP Varys), a Master of Laws, and a Primary of War (bye bye Grayness Worm). Tyrion says they should have the positions filled within weeks.

"And Drogon?" the king asks, referring to the last remaining dragon. "Any word?"

"He was terminal spotted flying east, toward—" Sam says.

"The further abroad, the better," Bronn says. He is now, equally the Lannister brothers promised him, Lord of Highgarden, Lord Paramount of the Reach. He's also the Master of Coin.

"Perhaps I can find him," Male monarch Bran says. And it'd be dainty for him to do something useful with his ability to inhabit fauna consciousness, honestly. "Exercise acquit on with the residual."

Game of Thrones S08E06 small council HBO

Ser Brienne of the Kingsguard calls Podrick (also of the Kingsguard) in to take the rex abroad. There's a fleck more clumsiness as everyone gives a "long may he reign" at unlike times. Tyrion apologizes and says they'll become better.

Bronn agrees that the crown'south debt to him has been paid. They decide to start some more than debt to feed their people and rebuild their armada and repair their ports for Ser Davos, the Master of Ships. Archmaester Sam says it'd be expert to build some sewers, and Tyrion commands information technology to be done. Bronn would like more brothels.

"Uh, the Archmaester is less than enthusiastic about the salutary furnishings of brothels," Sam says.

"Well, I imagine he isn't using them properly," Bronn says.

"I recall we can all agree that ships accept precedence over brothels," Brienne says.

"I remember that'south a very presumptuous statement," Bronn says.

"I once brought a jackass and a honeycomb into a brothel," Tyrion says starting a very old joke. How far he's come.

The Stark children get their separate ways

Jon Snow and his two escorts arrive at Castle Black. He's not thrilled until he sees Tormund Giantsbane, the redheaded man who suckled at a behemothic's breast and cruel hard for Brienne, looking back at him from the empty fort.

Jon rides in and the gates close behind him. He picks upwardly his sword.

Arya sheaths Needle.

Sansa puts on regal clothing.

Each of the Stark children walk through crowds of people who they lead: Jon at Castle Black, Arya in command of a transport, and Sansa at Winterfell castle.

At Castle Black, Jon and his one-eared direwolf, Ghost, are reunited. Jon pets his erstwhile friend who licks his face. The wall gate in the due north opens, equally Jon and Tormund wait on horseback for it to rise.

Sansa receives her crown and sits on her throne. "The Queen in the North!" her people chant.

Arya'due south ship, whose sails carry the wolf sigil of Winterfell, sets sail. Arya looks over uncharted waters.

Ghost is the offset to walk through the gate. Jon, Tormund, and the people of the north follow. There is no threat to defend from. In that location is no reason to populate Castle Black. Tormund is doing what he said he'd practise and heading to the real north. Jon, though saddened to see the gate close backside him, is joining them.

He looks into the distance and, for a moment, allows himself the glimmer of a smile.

He and his companions travel north, by a notably light-green constitute pushing it way up through the snow. It's the very aforementioned forest where flavour 1 began, merely at that place are no White Walkers anymore. The Starks saw to that, and at present they head to adventures unknown.

Game of Thrones S08E06 Sansa queen HBO


Source: https://www.polygon.com/game-of-thrones/2019/5/22/18634730/game-of-thrones-finale-explained-references-callbacks

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