Abrakadoodle student artwork on display at CASA!

Equally part of Abrakadoodle'southward 2022 Arts for All Campaign, Sue Walia, Owner/Managing director of Abrakadoodle of Northern Virginia partnered with CASA (Courtroom Appointed Special Advocates) in Fairfax Canton to host a children's art evidence with a goal of creating a cheerier, child-centered office space for the advocates charged with helping children. Apr is Child Corruption Prevention Month, which is ideal timing to bring attention and celebrate the work of CASA. Abrakadoodle committed to conducting a special event and to donate the created fine art to decorate the CASA offices for long-lasting, positive impact.

Abrakadoodle teachers Patricia Scott and Marina Troy volunteered their time to join Sue Walia – photograph, center – in guiding children served past Doorways for Women and Children to create a giant pinwheel art collage in laurels of Child Abuse Prevention Month.

On Thursday, Apr 13 thursday Abrakadoodle conducted a Costless grouping painting workshop at "Dinner with Friends," which was hosted by Doorways for Women and Children, an organization that provides shelter and other back up for victims of corruption. Abrakadoodle's Owner/Director Sue Walia with her teachers Marina Troy and Patricia Scott volunteered their fourth dimension to guide a grouping of approximately xx children in creating a 'pinwheel collage' on a large canvas. The pinwheel is the national symbol for kid abuse prevention. It is a reflection of hope, wellness and condom and serves as a reminder of happy, good for you childhood experiences that we want for all children. The Doorways organization is very familiar with the work CASA performs and was excited for the children they serve to take role.

Rosemarie Hartnett, President and Co-founder of Abrakadoodle with Sue Walia and members of the CASA team Emily and Shaina.

The reception for Abrakadoodle's Fine art Show at CASA took place on Thursday, April 20 thursday and was attended by two student artists and their families, every bit well equally Emily, Supervisor, and Shaina of CASA, as well as Abrakadoodle corporate staff Rosemarie Hartnett, Co-Founder and President and Jennifer Weir, Franchise Back up and Grooming Associate and Abrakadoodle of Northern Virginia's Sue Walia with her Master Instructor Diane Atwood. Sue said, "It is an honor to be part of raising awareness and to bring brilliant and whimsical art to the CASA function." A number of Abrakadoodle of Northern Virginia's teachers collected fine art to donate for the decoration of the CASA offices. Sue, forth with her teachers Nancy Brannegan and Marina Troy, contributed their fourth dimension and talent to hang artwork for the show at CASA. Child advocates receive their training at the CASA offices, and the goal of this activity was to provide ongoing inspiration with children'southward fine art to help promote and represent the best interests of children served by this arrangement.